Three different stories unfold in Athens during August, when the city is deserted and hot as hell. In story number one, a retired seaman, Nikolas, offers his help and hospitality to an unhappy middle-...
Kostas and Aliki differ from the rest of the seven members of their group of friends, which is why they are called “the goody-goodies”. One night, Stelios and Stefanos drag them to a wild party at...
After being raped by Liapouras, the self-proclaimed boss of the area, Chrysa kills him, and her brother Tasos takes responsibility. Six years later, he is released from prison and returns to the footh...
Krinoula (Aliki Vougiouklaki), known by the nickname Pontikaki (Little Mouse), works in a flower shop and lives with a young man (Giorgos Lefteriotis), whom she had helped to renounce criminality and ...
The Greek-American Peter Papas, who is on vacation with his wife in Greece, crashes into a taxi driver - only to realize that he is none other than his long-lost friend, Meletis, who is now married wi...
A young chemist is looking for a job. First, he goes to a small company, a private family business run by a woman. The organizational level of that business is rudimentary, so the young man becomes di...
Fragkogiannou (Maria Alkaiou), a hard-done by, deranged woman after a life full of hardship, recalls the past by her newborn girl grandchild’s crib. Her mother was a wicked woman and one of her sons...
A hard-working young man, Stathis (Stathis Psaltis)lives with his uncle and his aunt (Nikos Rizos and Despoina Stylianopoulou). He finds many things in life and society objectionable, and as a result,...