I. 'Admiralty Official Film "CLEARED FOR ACTION" Looking aft on a super Dreadnought of our great battle fleet which is cleared for action night and day.' LS aft down starboard side of quarterdeck of a...
I. 'Admiralty Official Film. THE KING ATTENDS "DIVISIONS". In the Navy "Divisions" is the equivalent to the regimental parade in the Army, the ship's crew assemble on the quarter deck to the playing o...
I. 'THE PIGEON AS POSTMAN. Taken up on motor cycle to the trenches the birds except for casualties, never fail to reach "home" behind the lines where the telegraphist sends on the message.' Pigeons ar...
I. 'WOMEN AS GUARD OF HONOUR. General Sir Francis Lloyd at the opening of the Recruiting Hut in Trafalgar Square for the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps popularly known in France as the "Waxs".' Preceded...
I. 'THE TANKS' SMASHING VICTORY. "The Tank Corps expects that every tank will do its damnedest." This signal was flashed by Brigadier-General Elles as he led the tanks into action and smashed the "imp...
I. 'KING & THE DOVER PATROL. H.M. presents medals to gallant skippers of the famous Drifter Patrol.' MS as the King, wearing overcoat and Army uniform, shakes hands with naval personnel - one army off...
I. 'WAITING AND WATCHFUL. French observers keep a sharp look out on the Champagne Front amid growing forests of wire.' MS of wire entanglements and pan right to show their extent. LS as French soldier...
I. 'GOVERNMENT'S ITINERANT WAR CINEMA. Lord Beaverbrook inspects fleet of Cine-Motors which will depict war truths in the villages.' MS over the lowered side of a truck to the rear compartment where a...
Bárta (laborer) in the uniform of Czechoslovak volunteer from France.
Three Russian soldiers sit on the bench and sing.
Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk - the 1st President of Czechoslovak Republic - contemplates.
An illustrative part: Poster with the slogan: "Czechoslovaks! Join our free Colors!" and flags with provincial emblems.
An illustrative part: Poster with the slogan: "The God´s fighters - Czechoslovak army in France" and soldier on horseback with Hussite flag.
The battle of Zborov: Dead soldier and rifle with bayonet stuck in the ground.
Wounded Tomeš.
Austrian soldier with a rifle lying in the trench. A hand-grenade is in front of him.
Julius Urgiss, Oesel genommen, Der Kinematograph, 566, (1917), S. 22-24. Rezension der Aufnahmen des Königlichen Bild- und Filmamtes von der Eroberung der Insel Ösel (Estland, zum russ. Reich gehör...
Voigt, Hildegard L.. "Die Hetze gegen die Lichtbildbühnen." Lichtbildbühne 23 (1913): 1-4. Die Kritiker des Kinos würden nur deren Auswüchse sehen, hätten aber nie ein anständiges Kino besucht. ...
Egon Jacobsohn, Ferdinand Lassalle, Der Kinematograph, 615, (1918), S. 18-30. Bericht von der Uraufführung in Berlin. Die Aufführung sei ein voller Erfolg gewesen, zumal es besonders gut in die Zeit...
Saturn Film AG, Rasputin. Drama in 5 Akten, Der Kinematograph, 553, (1917), S. 24.
P. Max Grempe, Deutsche und feindliche Kinopolitik im Weltkriege, Der Kinematograph, 515, (1916), S. 17-19. Erötertung der verkehrten Politik Deutschlands in Bezug auf das Kino. Die hohen Lustbarkeit...
National-Film-A.G., Freiheit, Gleichheit, Brüderlichkeit !, Lichtbildbühne, 45, (1918).
Specator, Das letzte Jahr, Der Kinematograph, 472, (1916), S. 17-18. Jahresrückblick. Die deutsche Filmindustrie sei zur Großindustrie geworden. Die Aufklärungsarbeit der Wochenschauen im Ausland w...