Both the fête and the film stress the fact that the Duchess was American. The children present her with a bouquet in their school playground. She addresses them while a child waves a US flag behind h...
The King, in Army uniform, watches the children at work on an allotment. He is joined by Queen Mary, with R E Prothero, the President of the Board of Agriculture, walking behind. A girl gives the Quee...
The item opens with a misplaced caption (from a missing item in the issue about Lord Northcliffe), then shows very briefly WAACs outside the church cheering, and press photographers at work.The captio...
The women work out of doors. One woman cuts off pieces of dough for loaves, a second weighs the pieces and a third rolls them into spheres. After baking, the women carry the trays out and loosen the l...
Theodore Roosevelt gives an open air speech in support of the war to a crowd of 5,000. He is shown in close-up as he speaks, face contorted with emotion. He is followed by a recruiting officer, who sh...
The Queen emerges into the palace courtyard. The Land Girls march past, bearing banners about the importance of the Home Front, and with a hay wagon behind them.The Royal party shakes hands with the w...
(Reel 1) Russian, or possibly Armenian, soldiers assisted by British troops to fire a 76.2mm Russian field gun. A wounded soldier on a stretcher is loaded into a lorry. A group of Armenian soldiers, o...
(Reel 1) The film's only caption, "Indian troops marching through Baghdad". They are wearing winter clothing. A British horse-drawn fire-engine leaves for a (staged ?) emergency. On the river there ar...
Czechoslovak volunteers on a small station in Siberia.
Czechoslovak volunteers on a small station in Siberia. In the foreground is a Russian woman.
Assembly of participants out of chcurch.
Assembly of participants in the square.
Bishop Lev Skrbenský of HÅ™ÃÅ¡Å¥ consecrates the St. Anthony´s Church on Strossmayer Square in Prague.
Participants of the ceremony in the square outside the church.
Exercise on horizontal bar in the courtyard of the cadet school in Vienna.
Wounded Austrian soldier accompanied by nurses and military doctors.
Argus, Neuheiten auf dem Berliner Filmmarkte, Der Kinematograph, 586, (1918), S. 28ff. Besprochen werden gleich zwei Propagandafilme zur achten Kriegsanleihe. "Lloyd George in Berlin" wird als äußer...
Theodor Zimmermann, Zur Lage in der Zensurfrage, Der Kinematograph, 624, (1918). Bericht, dass das Innenministerium befohlen habe, alle Zensurverordnungen unverzüglich aufzuheben. Lediglich Verordnun...
Oscar Geller, Detektiv-Filme, Der Kinematograph, 593, (1918), S. 21-25. Eröterung der Krimiwelle. Man könne Krimis nicht einfach als Schund abtun. Auch wenn viele der frühen Krimis, maßgeblich aus...
Argus, Der rasende Roland von Euskirchen, Der Kinematograph, 582, (1918), S. 6. Entgegnung auf Vorwürfe des Euskirchener Volksblattes, das Kino sei sittenverderbend. Der Schriftleiter Werner Rats kö...
Der Lustspielfilm, Der Kinematograph, 490, (1916), S. 17-18. Bericht über die große Zahl an Komödien, die in den letzten Monaten erschienen seien.
Mercedes-Film GmbH, Die Leibhusaren und ihre Geschichte, Der Kinematograph, 565, (1917). Die Werbung verweist darauf, dass der Film durch von Mackensens Frau gefördert wird.
Argus, Neuheiten auf dem Berliner Filmmarkte, Der Kinematograph, 614, (1918). "Kinder der Liebe" als Tendenz- und Aufklärungsfilm bezeichnet, dessen Absicht überzeuge. "Der Gefangene von Dahomey" se...
R. Genenchen, Kriegsunterstützung und Kinobesuch, Der Kinematograph, 506, (1916), S. 17. Bericht darüber, dass die Gemeinde Weida/Sachsen Soldatenfrauen, die Kinos besuchen, die städtische UnterstÃ...