The soldiers prepare wood-and-earth shelters for themselves and their horses for the forthcoming winter in Russian Poland. At "Chassina" (presumably in Poland) the town is a smoking ruin an hour after...
A German 420mm railway gun captured by the Australians in the Battle of Chipilly Ridge. Four Americans "of a famous division" with the fourteen German prisoners they took in the Argonne. A German 210m...
An old soldier chats to an elderly woman refugee who has returned home and is using stones and rubble to repair her house. More refugees return by horse and cart. One couple begins to weed a garden, a...
A passenger ship brings the Russian contingent to the Piraeus, the port of Athens. French (or Russian ?) soldiers wearing sun helmets start their march from the Piraeus to Athens, establishing posts o...
The Prince visits the Serbian troops in their mountain positions. He dismounts from his horse, talks with his officers and looks out over the position with binoculars before riding away.Soldiers move ...
The Governor, who is ex-Minister of War, has an escort of lancers. The Sultan's Guard of zouaves, guns and lancers marches past, led by its French officers.The recently-captured Hurtebise plateau in t...
The hospital is a temporary affair of Nissen huts. The Queen and General Anthoine walk with their escort down a path between two huts and enter one of the wards.The village of Esnes has been reduced t...
Machado with President Poincaré at Verdun inspects the troops, and presents the Mayor of Verdun with the Order of the Tower and the Sword. The two presidents enter through the defences of the city an...
Szene aus "Die Strafgefangene Nr. 63. Unschuldig verurteilt"
Szene aus "Dämonit"
G.W. Pabst (Mitte), André Saint-Germain (rechts) (Dreharbeiten)
Szene aus "Das Geheimnis des Ingenieurs Branting"
Paul Hartmann
Szene aus "Der unsichtbare Zeuge"
Hans Mierendorff
Szene mit Lyda Salmonova, Paul Wegener (rechts, vorne)
Imperator Film GmbH, Wenn frei das Meer für deutsche Fahrt !, Der Kinematograph, 556, (1917), S. 30.
Walter Thielemann, Der Vaterländische Hilfsdienst und die Kinobranche, Der Kinematograph, 521/2 , (1916). Befürchtung, der Vaterländische Hilfsdienst könne die Kinobranche schwächen. Diese sei ab...
Kriegsanleihe-Filme, Der Kinematograph, 563, (1917), S. 22. Ankündigung neuer Trickfilme zur Werbung für die Kriegsanleihe. Sie werden allesamt als sehr unterhaltsam und technisch gelungen beschrieb...
Universum Filmverleih, Die Waffen nieder, Der Kinematograph, 620, (1918), S. 28-33.
Julius Sternheim, Propaganda-und Aufklärungsfilme, Der Kinematograph, 592, (1918), S. 12-14. Propagandafilme müssten maßgeblich eine Botschaft verfolgen, was sie oftmals zwangsläufig langatmig mac...
Hansa Filverleih GmbH, Luftkämpfe. Ein Tag bei einer Jagdstaffel im Westen, Der Kinematograph, 558, (1917), S. 19-21.
Notes on the film and its thematics (a fundraising event for the War Memorial).
2 film guides (brochures), 18 pages each, 1st. And 3rd. editions. Documentary about the ventriloquist and automata creator Francisco Sanz Baldoví, codirected by Maximiliano Thous and Sanz himself. It...