Lene, Barfrau in einer kleinen Kellerbar, kehrt nach einer Auszeit zu ihrem Job zurück. Ihr erster Arbeitstag ist ein besonderer Tag, denn der Kopenhagener Musiker Leif gibt auf Lenes Anregung hin ei...
Eva und Rocco haben fünf gute Freunde zum Abendessen eingeladen. Bei gutem Essen, Wein und angeregten Unterhaltungen verläuft alles nach altbekanntem Muster - bis Eva, inspiriert durch eine Diskussi...
In der Reihe 'Lecture & Film: Ernst Lubitsch' hielt Valerie A. Weinstein, Ph.D. von der University of Cincinnati am 15. Dezember 2016 im Kino des Deutschen Filmmuseums, Frankfurt den Vortrag "Performi...
Der Rentner Pierre war in jungen Jahren ein echter Lebemann. Mit den Jahren aber ist ein etwas missgelaunter älterer Herr aus ihm geworden, der sich in ein einsames Seniorenleben zurückgezogen hat -...
Helene Hegemanns Verfilmung ihres eigenen Romans "Axolotl Roadkill". Im Mittelpunkt steht die 16-jährige Mifti, die seit dem Tod ihrer Mutter mit ihren älteren Halbgeschwistern Anika und Edmond in B...
In der Reihe WAS TUT SICH – IM DEUTSCHEN FILM? präsentiert das Kino des Deutschen Filmmuseums einmal im Monat ein aktuelles Werk. Am 11. Juni 2014 stellte Johannes Naber seinen Film "Zeit der Kanni...
The life and work of the great actor Ettore Petrolini.
Emperor Wilhelm II visited Norway and the city of Kristiansund around 1913, and the film shows the arrival of a huge German warship. Life in the harbour and on the fjord, people at work on a farm, ...
The parade starts and ends with contingents of light horse. In between them are foot soldiers, two companies each with a Maxim gun on a hand cart. All the men are in slouch hats and shirtsleeve order....
We follow the ship Braganza from the harbour of Tromsø to the Svalbard archipelago. The Svalbard Treaty or the Spitsbergen Treaty from 1920 recognises the sovereignty of Norway over the Arctic archip...
The little Agenore (Ferdinande Guillaume) combines a lot of trouble to family friend Ilario Mentecatti (Natale Guillaume).
The city of Seville and its surroundings in 1914: the cathedral, the Guadalquivir river, the bullring...etc.
An interesting review of the Savoy Cavalry at practice and drill is herein presented. They are seen descending high embankments and fording streams and ends with field drill. The film is somewha...
The main street is crowded with people. The battalion band leads the men down through the crowd. The camera, in the front row of the crowd, shows one rank after another in a sustained shot as they par...
Just outside the old city walls of Rome, we find a mass of washed-out houses and bumpy streets arranged in a geometrical pattern that makes them anonymous and depersonalized. The documentary fil...
Documentary about the annual kermis and cattle-market in Anderlecht.
The first Norwegian film with international ambitions, Thin Ice is a story of young love, corporate ambition, and a daring nighttime caper. Tom, a strapping young student, gets his dream job as an adv...
From 1891 to 1945, a popular form of iconography thrived next to the official one documenting Italy’s political and social life. This alternative iconography can be found in humorous and satir...
Barbarians outside: yesterday as today. Who have centuries of civilization gone by for? Not even appearance has altered the Norman in his barbarism. This great work from the Ambrosio hotbed admi...
French language version of a newsreel item on British troops sitting and eating bread and jam "with proverbial coolness", Western Front, May 1918.
"King And President - The King of the Belgians and President Poincaré leaving Furnes after an inspection of the French Cavalry in the market square".
Newsreel item showing British soldiers eating bread and jam "with proverbial coolness," Western Front, May 1918.