I. 'FOUNDERS' DAY. The Duke and Duchess of Somerset at Dr. Barnardo's Homes. "Boys of the Bulldog Breed" dancing the hornpipe on the village green.' Two elderly civic dignitaries pass the camera in co...
Report on festivities regarding the celebration of National Day in Antwerp in 1919, with a procession at the Meir.
News item showing the visit of King Christian X from Denmark to Belgium.
Newsitems West Flanders. Day of the Navy in Ostend, with a wreath-laying memorial service at the monument of the sailors on the dike. Thereafter, a military parade takes place at the Wapenplein in the...
In August 1910, large ceremonies were held in Cetinje, officially called the Celebration of the Fifteenth Anniversary of the Rule of H.R. Highness the Prince and Lord Nikola I Petrovic and the Golde...
The film runs in segments of varying length, with sequences often breaking, to continue later in the reel or another reel. It shows the voyage of Lowell Thomas out from Salonika to Cairo, where Sultan...
I. 'FIGHTING DISEASE. Troops in the Balkans being inoculated against enteric etc., before going up to the Front.' Australian troops stand in line in the open-air, left shirt sleeves rolled up to recei...
I. 'HOT STUFF FOR FRITZ. An ammunition train of 9.2 shells going up to the Front.' HA as train passes diagonally left to right pulling open wagons filled with 9.2-inch shells and ammunition boxes - so...
Sõjakooli patarei kadetid Peetri platsil esimese jalaväe kursuse lõpetamise paraadil.
Sõjakooli ratsarühma kadetid Peetri platsil esimese jalaväe kursuse lõpetamise paraadil.
Sõjakooli esimese jalaväe kursuse lõpetamise paraad Peetri platsil.
Sõjakooli esimese jalaväe kursuse lõpetamise paraad Peetri platsil.
Sõjakooli esimese jalaväe kursuse lõpetamise paraad Peetri platsil.
Monument "Burial in Carpathians" by a famous Czech sculptor Jan Štursa shortly before unveiling ceremony.
Participants of the ceremony in the square outside the church.
Austrian military band