I. 'THE PIGEON AS POSTMAN. Taken up on motor cycle to the trenches the birds except for casualties, never fail to reach "home" behind the lines where the telegraphist sends on the message.' Pigeons ar...
Deutschland in der Vorkriegszeit: Landwirtschaft, Schwerindustrie, Hafenbetrieb; Rüstungsindustrie bei der Fa. Krupp, Bau von Geschützen und Einschießen auf dem werkseigenen Schießplatz; Flottenm...
The very height of the patriotic film, including authentic footage, about the background and distribution of the Belgian newspaper 'La Libre Belgique' during WOI and Gabrielle Petit's part in the resi...
News items. One item relates to the First World War: memorial service for Albert I, king of Belgium.
War-time report, released by the cinematographic service of the Belgian army in August 1920. Commemorations of the Great War dominated the news reports at that time.
Prince Heinrich of Prussia visits the Russian Orthodox Church at Kovno (Russian Poland) after the Russian retreat of summer 1915. A beached and burnt-out Russian steamer is shown on the bank of the Ri...
French walks around the gardens of the castle shaking hands with people at the fête. Beside him is his aide, Lieutenant-Colonel Fitzgerald ('Fitz') Watt. The fête includes a display of horse jumping...
Documentary about the life of King Albert I of Belgium. The film is entirely composed of archival footage.
Regiments of Czechoslovak volunteers in Padova swear to the flegs with the participation of the Italian king Vittorio Emanuele III. di Savoia and Czech political representation.
Regiments of Czechoslovak volunteers in Padova swear to the flegs with the participation of the Italian king Vittorio Emanuele III. di Savoia and Czech political representation.
Regiments of Czechoslovak volunteers in Padova swear to the flegs with the participation of the Italian king Vittorio Emanuele III. di Savoia and Czech political representation.
Regiments of Czechoslovak volunteers in Padova swear to the flegs with the participation of the Italian king Vittorio Emanuele III. di Savoia and Czech political representation.
Regiments of Czechoslovak volunteers in Padova swear to the flegs with the participation of the Italian king Vittorio Emanuele III. di Savoia and Czech political representation.
Regiments of Czechoslovak volunteers in Padova swear to the flegs with the participation of the Italian king Vittorio Emanuele III. di Savoia and Czech political representation.
Regiments of Czechoslovak volunteers in Padova swear to the flegs with the participation of the Italian king Vittorio Emanuele III. di Savoia and Czech political representation.
An oath of legion Nazdar in Bayonne.