I. 'QUEEN AMONG THE TANKS. Wonderful of Her Majesty inspecting a Tankodrome in France.' Queen Mary stands with the usual retinue by a line of Mk IV tanks - it is a sunny day and she holds a parasol. S...
I. '"BOYS" OF THE OLD BRIGADE. Chelsea veterans reviewed by General Lyttelton on Foundation Day.' Chelsea pensioners in their formal tricorn hats march out to be inspected by the Elderly General Lytte...
Machado with President Poincaré at Verdun inspects the troops, and presents the Mayor of Verdun with the Order of the Tower and the Sword. The two presidents enter through the defences of the city an...
Storck watched all news items of the year 1928: the year when sixty countries signed an agreement outlawing war (Kellogg-Briand Pact). Subsequently, he juxtaposed this heart-warming utopia with the pr...
The item shows normal life continuing in Paris. The markets trading in the open, uncongested and normal traffic flowing in the Place de l'Opéra, and people walking through the parks and boulevards an...
The horse-drawn hearse leads a crowd of mourners, mostly civilian. The coffin is taken into the church grounds for burial.Robey, wearing the uniform of an Army lieutenant, acts as auctioneer for a shi...
I. 'DIFFICULTIES OF TRANSPORT. Some of the troubles to be overcome by the transport to keep in touch with the advancing troops.' Wagons, carts, 18-pounder artillery and a convoy of motor lorries pass ...
The wrecks of two aircraft which collided are shown, neither identifiable.The art students, including girls, are in fancy dress. They play leapfrog, improvise a foxtrot, and play up for the camera.The...
Mobilization in Great Britain. Ceremonial march of British military band in traditional fur hats.
Czechoslovak volunteers are welcome in Chicago expants living in the USA.
Ceremonial blessing of the flag (28th September 1914) of Czech legion in Kiev.