I. YOUTH SPORTS MEETING "Yunak" Stadium. Audience. Zhivko Zhivkov speaks. II. Well-deserved recognition City of Popovo. Rally of OF (antifascist organization, Otechestven Front). Tribune - General Dob...
I. November 15, 1945. Sofia. People in front of the National Theater. Georgi Dimitrov and General Damyan Velchev greet the people. Presidium. Speeches by G. Dimitrov and D. Velchev. Present: Traicho K...
I. Sofia. Citizens clean up destruction from the bombings. – II. Campaign for winter aid in Sofia. Old unhygienic housing and new modern buildings. – III. Horseshoe workshop. – IV. Motorcycle ra...
– I. Factory "Happiness" for sugar products. Manufacturing process. – II. "Kambana" soap factory. Production. – III. "Balkan" metal processing factory. – IV. Rally in front of the National Ass...
I. YUGOSLAVIC EXHIBITION Sofia. Salon - exhibition about the liberation struggle of the country. Prime Minister Kimon Georgiev opens. K. Georgiev signs in the book of honor. II. THE GRAVE HAS SPOKEN N...
I. Czechoslovakia, Bratislava. Doubles Rowing Competitions. Audience. Final. II. August 4 - opening of a camp school for scouts in the resort of Chamkoria (Borovets). Minister of Finance Ivan Stefanov...
I. Dedicated to September 9. Fields with wheat, sunflower. Picking tobacco. Craft workshops. Carriage in front of the royal palace in Sofia. The Palace. Park. Military action – soldiers load cannon,...
I. Rallies in support of the People's Republic in the country. Bulgarian Communist Party (BKP) rally at "September 9" square on September 4, 1946. Dimitar Ganev, member of the Politburo of the Central...