A pretty girl faces the hostility of society as she struggles to overcome the obstacles that stand between her and her beloved. A typical melodrama, based on a famous song by Panos Tzanetis, who was f...
Jane Eyre, an orphan girl (Christina Sylva) is employed to teach the young daughter of a wealthy man (Manos Katrakos). A romance blossoms between the two, but their love is made impossible by the pres...
An entrepreneur (Lykourgos Kallergis) loses all his money and is forced to stay as a guest in the house of Ierotheos (Lavrentis Dianellos), a former employee of his. The entrepreneur’s daughter Anna...
Three brothers, two twin boys and a girl, have instituted a game in the basement of their neoclassic house. They drink the “dead liquer”, which works as an aphrodisiac and affects their feelings. ...