På belægningsstuen har 4 soldater en dejlig udsigt til nabohuset, hvor en ung smuk pige og hendes mor bor. De fire indkaldte hænger i vinduet og fjanter med pigen, da løjtnanten kommer ind. Også ...
The films shows a political rally which took place on March 10th 1949, as the young communist and socialist activists of the Alleanza Giovanile Italiana (Italian Youth Ally) gathered together on the s...
Diane Kruger, Liam Neeson
Szene mit January Jones, Liam Neeson (rechts)
Filmplakat von "Unknown Identity" (2009-11)
Diane Kruger, Liam Neeson
Liam Neeson, Aidan Quinn, Sebastian Koch (v.l.n.r.)
Bruno Ganz, Liam Neeson (v.l.n.r.)
Bekim Latifi in "For Reasons Unknown" (2019)
"For Reasons Unknown" (2019)
Commentary on the film and its subject matter (the tribute to Unknown Soldiers lost in World War I).
Notes on 2 documentary films portraying the countrywide tributes to the Unknown Soldiers lost in World War I.