1 - scorci panoramici dei navigli di Milano in una giornata nebbiosa
2 - veduta del castello Sforzesco
3 - vedute panoramiche dei tetti del centro storico di Milano da una terrazza
4 - ...
Address and unveiling of the War memorial, Saltcoats by Marchioness (of Ailsa), 27th May, 1922. Shots of street parade including Girl Guides, Boys Brigade and Scouts.
1 - Preghiera in didascalia in sovrimpressione su miniatura in porcellana raffigurante
2 - giardino e villa appartenuta ai Gonzaga poi destinata a Opera di assistenza infantile: sulla facciata vi...
Reportage about an historic pageant in Helmond On September 24, 1922, an historic pageant was held in Helmond to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Rooms-Katholieke Werklieden Vereeniging St. Lambe...
Reportage about the celebration of 25 years of Queen Wilhelmina's rule, on September 8 and 9, 1923, in Helmond Mayor M. Van Hout and the organizing committee proceed to the city hall of Helmond, and t...
Scala-Film-Verleih GmbH, Der Hetman der Ukraine, Der Kinematograph, 581, (1918), S. 18-19. Die Anzeige geht auf den Sieg gegen Russland ein und erwähnt das Interesse des Publikums an der Geschichte d...