A little before he receives his grandfather, who is arriving from Istanbul, an astrophysicist recollects his childhood in Constantinople: his life there, his family, friends and childhood love. In the...
Michalis Pararounas, after his recent release from prison, plans a big heist with his friends: to crack the safe of a villa in Filothei, where the wealthy Mrs. Domna lives. However, Mrs. Domna catches...
Stathis and his men realize that the war has been lost and go back home, which now is under Italian occupation. As they are still dressed in their uniforms, their fellow villagers think they are liber...
In order to marry his beloved (Eleni Erimou), Tilemachos (Giannis Vogiatzis) secretly arranges a wedding, with the help of his partner (Sotiris Moustakas) in the fashion house of his authoritative mot...
This is a film adaptation of the famous theatrical play by Dimitrios Vyzantios, which was written in the years following the Greek Revolution of 1821, and which, together with the play The Employee by...
Ntinos (Alekos Alexandrakis) is the last survivor from a team of saboteurs that is betrayed to, and consequently obliterated by, the Germans. He finds refuge with a handicapped young lady (Pery Poravo...
An office boy (Giannis Gkionakis) can’t marry his beloved (Sasa Kastoura) because of his financial problems. The girl’s brother (Athinodoros Prousalis) however, pressures him to make her an honest...
Maria is wrongly convicted and imprisoned for the murder of her husband, after her mother-in-law’s false testimony. So Maria asks her twin sister to take her place and raise her son (Vasilis Kailas)...