This is, in essence, a satiric film based on an adaptation of three Dialogues of the Dead by Lucian and their adaptation to the historical conditions of the 1960s, when the new demons of the hippie mo...
A young man from the countryside (Andreas Barkoulis) is driven to corruption and crime by a charming woman and another man from his home district, although he wanted to go to Athens to have a better l...
A cute, short guy named Alexis (Nikos Rizos) is in charge of looking after his nephews Kostas and Tolis, whose thoughts revolve around two beautiful neighbors– Anna and Kaiti – who are nieces of a...
A policeman (Nikos Kourkoulos) tries to solve the murder of his brother, a pianist and morphine addict, and, as a member of the Narcotics Squad, is trying to locate the head of a narcotics ring. And ...
Officer Alexandros Komninos (Christos Politis) and soldier Kosmas Georgiou (Giannis Katranis) undertake a mission to spy on German forces on Bulgarian territory, and Nikitas (Stefanos Stratigos) with ...