An anarchic-surrealistic film which begins with the decision of a young man to continue the trade of his late father and makes a series of caustic references to modern social reality in the Greek coun...
A man from the underworld (Vasilis Tzivilikas) goes to a hotel in the Saronic Gulf where a television show starring his girlfriend (Giouli Stamoulaki) is being shot, to demand the reasons for her leav...
Kostas, Giorgos and Panos are three cunning guys who try to win their landlady’s good will by promising to introduce her to their imaginary rich uncle from Canada. So, one day they bring home an une...
A young actress, who has been selected to star in a play written by Pallas (Michalis Nikolinakos), stays in the home of Pavlou, an actress who became paralyzed just before appearing in Palla’s play ...
Three distant cousins, barber Panagiotis; unemployed Sotiris, who wants to open a club; and dancer Mary, are the heirs of a house of haute couture. Mr. Errikos, the manager of the house, is the fourth...
A student is found dead from a drug overdose at a high school in Pireaus that is under student occupation. The students’ silence makes the investigation difficult.
In the space of one day, we witness the stories of six different people who are trying to find themselves while coexisting with others in a chaotic city.
Μια νέα και καλοσυνάτη κοπέλα, η Σόφη, γνωρίζει και ερωτεύεται ένα γοητευτικό νέο συγγραφέα, τον Άλκη. Για ένα ...