Erasmia, a young thief, and her partner in crime, Agostin, break into a rich businessman’s mansion, which they believe to be deserted, to steal a valuable painting, only to find Alexis, the business...
A young drug addict (Panos Michalopoulos) tells his story on a television program, recounting the death of his friend (Stamatis Gardelis) and the personal drama of young kids who are drawn into a life...
Thanasis (Thanasis Vengos) has wanted to be a Courthouse Judge since he was a child, but his father stopped him from pursuing his ambition. Working at the coffee shop that he inherited from his father...
Seven stories, all with Thanasis Vengos playing the lead. An Athenian looking for a parking space (No Parking). Thanasis referees a football game (The Referee). He is the projector in a cinema playing...