A pretty girl faces the hostility of society as she struggles to overcome the obstacles that stand between her and her beloved. A typical melodrama, based on a famous song by Panos Tzanetis, who was f...
This is the film adaptation of the television series of EIRT (1973). After Professor Algeras (Giorgos Loukakis) discovers a mysterious weapon, he is chased down by a number of secret agents. The most ...
A retired diplomat has begun writing a historical novel about the legendary Captain Meϊtanos, who lived in the 17th century. Initially, he was a klepht (bandit), then an armatolos (member of irregula...
After doing his thesis in Law in Germany, Stelios Lempeniotis returns to Greece but fails to get the teaching job at the University he expected. Therefore, he goes to work at Xenakis’ law office. St...
This is the film adaptation of the television series of EIRT (1973). A Greek (Christos Politis) who had been adopted by a Turk and raised in Germany, comes to Greece as an SS officer during the German...
Two lonely women, Sara and Vera, meet by accident and become amorously involved. A series of assassinations of prominent people, from the world of both politics and business, seem to be connected to t...
A hard-working man (Tolis Voskopoulos) is accused by his girlfriend’s brother of stealing from the company he works for. The owner of the company is his girlfriend’s father (Lykourgos Kallergis). ...
A young man from Thessaloniki, Giorgos, tries to take advantage of the many opportunities in the capital, but his uncle, who is a factory owner and whom he counted on, doesn’t support his plans. Ann...