A young farmer, Dimitris (Petros Fysoun), is wrongly accused and sent to prison for poisoning the livestock of his sweetheart’s father (Jenny Roussea and Grigoris Vafias respectively). But the truth...
The film is a dramatized documentary, a study that revives life at Spinalogka, the exile of the lepers. We watch romantic and emotional adventures, ideological and sentimental conflicts featuring the ...
A family of mountain folk fights with a family that lives by the sea. When the mountain folk’s chief (Dionysis Papagiannopoulos) finds out that his counterpart from the coast (Kostas Kakkavas) has k...
This is a dramatized documentary about the life of the lepers in the leper colony at Spinalonga. Love and emotional affairs, ideological and ethical conflicts take place, whose protagonists are the pa...