This is, in essence, a satiric film based on an adaptation of three Dialogues of the Dead by Lucian and their adaptation to the historical conditions of the 1960s, when the new demons of the hippie mo...
Sergeant Makridis is on the scent of a ring of white slavers. For this purpose he commands the police officers Panagiotou and Alexandridis to follow a rich Lebanese, Efraim, who works for Floras. Alex...
Four friends set up a front-company for the production and distribution of films, “Koukos Film”, and put an ad in a newspaper looking for a leading actress. The role is claimed by a poor and inexp...
This films tells four different stories, all connected by the banks of a river. Three bandits steal a cross and, while trying to cross the river, one of them (Titos Vandis) gets lost along with the lo...
This films tells four different stories, all connected by the banks of the river. Three bandits steal a cross and, while trying to cross the river, one of them (Titos Vandis) gets lost along with the ...
The portrait of an Andalusian musician who wanders around Epirus and socializes with the strangest characters in the area.
A shepherd gets his girlfriend pregnant, but she decides to have an abortion. The man leaves the countryside and goes to Thessaloniki, where he hangs out with the marginalized and the desperately poor...