In a village a woman catches her husband red-handed with an unfortunate orphan named Marigo, who is then exposed to public ridicule and forced to flee to Athens. In Athens, Marigo gets a job as a hous...
The district attorney Filippos Lianas takes on a major murder trial. The advocate for Sofia Roussou (who is accused of murdering the painter Alexis Platonidis, a white slaver known as Ariel) keeps adm...
A 40-year-old widow (Rena Vlachopoulou) falls in love with a musician (Andreas Barkoulis), but her siblings (Giannis Michalopoulos and Melpo Zarokosta) want her to marry a rich, but deaf, man. The wom...
An unscrupulous hit-and-run driver fatally injures a woman and leaves her to die. The victim was the wife of Kostas Kyriazis (Kostas Kazakos), an examiner, who, six years later, is called upon to clea...
The owner of a taverna in Piraeus, mister Giorgis Kollas (Dionysis Papagiannopoulos), has sent his son Giannis to Europe, whence he returns an educated man. He marries a high-class woman named Riri Ka...
A policeman (Nikos Kourkoulos) tries to solve the murder of his brother, a pianist and morphine addict, and, as a member of the Narcotics Squad, is trying to locate the head of a narcotics ring. And ...
In Paris, Miss Hellas, Maria Stathatou (Eleni Prokopiou), falls in love with Dimitris (Andreas Ntouzos) who will soon return to Greece with his rich father. After some time, Dimitris, who is serving h...
Kaiti (Tzeni Karezi) refuses to marry the old man that her parents have chosen for her and instead runs away, wearing her wedding dress and gets into a truck belonging to an itinerant merchant (Nikos ...