Close-up of a sergeant holding a football marked 2Y&L. Pan over the men of the battalion, lying, sitting or standing informally, with two Lewis machine guns in the front row. Two lance-corporals sitti...
Australian soldiers, probably of 5th Division, at the south end of the Saint Quentin tunnel at Bellicourt. A temporary bridge has been built just below the tunnel entrance. A view, from on top of the ...
(Reel 1) The arsenal entrance in Beresford Square, with the internal train taking the workers to various departments. Women and boys in the Tailors' Shop make gloves, felt "buttons" for 15-inch shells...
An honour guard of Infantry marches into position beside the dock, past Roberts' ship, the SS Dunnottar Castle. Roberts, in Field Marshal's dress blue uniform, comes down the gangplank, followed by hi...
An interesting review of the Savoy Cavalry at practice and drill is herein presented. They are seen descending high embankments and fording streams and ends with field drill. The film is somewha...
The city of Seville and its surroundings in 1914: the cathedral, the Guadalquivir river, the bullring...etc.
British soldiers are engaged in a fire-fight at close range with Boers on high ground above them. One of the Boers gets close enough to a British soldier to touch him before falling hit. The Boer asks...
At Castle "De Werve", debt-ridden Colonel von Zwenken's daughter and her husband John Mordaunt await the birth of a child. Mordaunt's aunt has promised that if it is a son named after her late husband...
Filmplakat 02
Szene aus "Let"s Make Money"
German movie poster of "In Sarmatien" (2013)
Heinz Rühmann
Lissy Arna, Enrico Benfer in "... heute Abend bei mir!" (1934)
Szene aus "Nussknacker und Mausekönig"
Mina Tander, Wotan Wilke Möhring in "Seitenwechsel" (2014-16)
Szene aus "Überwachungskamera"
Lebensbild mit
Episodenfilm von
Sittenbild mit
Sittenbild mit
Historisches Filmspiel mit Gesangseinlagen, nach Motiven des Romanes "Manon Lescaut" von
Phantastisches Filmspiel mit
Filmsingspiel nach dem gleichnamigen Singspiel von
Jüdisches Sittendrama mit Mia May und Max Landa. Beim jüdischen Gastwirt Abraham Löwenberg übernachtete ein Reisender, der in der Wirtsstube viel Geld sehen ließ. Er versteckte sein Geld i...