Drama in which Hélène, the owner of a large company, looses her memory and is taken in a working class family. She starts to work in her own factory, to find out that her employees are working under...
Young Alexander Snobman is the son of the town's richest sausage maker, and the neighbour of Philip Helt, an up-and-coming engineer. Both of the young gentlemen are captivated by the dancer Eva Sommer...
The film is constructed on a contemporary requirement tied to the wartime situation, seeing as Italy had gone to war with Austria in May 1915. At the end of the wedding ceremony the procession o...
A British film recording the visit of King George V, accompanied by his son Prince Albert (later George VI), on a tour inspection of several British battleships in an unnamed location (possibly ...
The film shows a journey in Troms in Northern Norway, from Sjøvegan by the sea to waterfall and salmon ladder in Malangen.
Fridtjof Nansen was the leader of The League of Nations' repatriation work for prisoners of war after World War I. This film shows a LN meeting in Geneva, probably in 1920, and soldiers on their way ...
The film is part of the election campaign for The Norwegian Labour Party in 1930 and argues against the militarism of the Conservative Party. Scenes from World War I illustrates the horrors of the war...
Various clips from Oslo 1912-14. The opening of the 100th Anniversary Exhibition, May 15, 1914, with people waiting to get in. Market stalls and trade in Oslo city centre. The departure of one of The ...
Szene aus "Der heilige Berg"
Heidelinde Weis, Friedrich von Thun
Emilio Sakraya in "Rheingold" (2022)
"Die Degenhardts" (1944)
Still from "Barras heute"
Szene mit Lucie Englisch (vorne, 2.v.r.), Paul Hörbiger (vorne, 3.v.r.)
Otto Gebühr
Iris Arlan, Theo Shall
A documentary about the life of the Alpine troops during winter: competitions on the snow have a military character. There are downhill, cross-country and relay races in addition to the sled eve...
Near the bridges of Valle di Maddaloni (near Caserta), a teacher reads an excerpt from G.C. Abba’s “Noterelle di uno dei Mille” to a group of children. The excerpt is about the battle of t...
Documentary about the town of Amerongen 'Amerongen: a previously unknown Dutch village, but since 1919 ... a famous royal resort'. With this text, filmmaker Willy Mullens begins this short promotional...
Bassano (province of Vicenza, Veneto) is a small city famous for its bridge, alpine soldiers, grappa and Monte Grappa. It is an architectural gem: towers, palaces, frescoes, streets with old-fas...
An evening at winter’s end: in Veneto, in the countryside of Treviso (in Zero Branco) the farmers have prepared bonfires for the feast of bread and wine, a propitiatory rite for a good year. T...
An investigation of Africans who have permanently settled in Italy: an Afro-Italian who participated as a lieutenant colonel in the first Italian invasion of Africa; an Ethiopian marshal who liv...
Baron Felix and Madame Vera Wadjevska, a pair of con artists, have gotten their hands on a manor in Oslo, after stealing the deceased owner's identity papers while abroad. The dead man's nephew, Helge...
This documentary is dedicated to Luigi Mercantini’s poetry and to the events of the Risorgimento related to it. Particular reference is made to “Spigolatrice di Sapri” and to “Inno di Ga...