From 1891 to 1945, a popular form of iconography thrived next to the official one documenting Italy’s political and social life. This alternative iconography can be found in humorous and satir...
Barbarians outside: yesterday as today. Who have centuries of civilization gone by for? Not even appearance has altered the Norman in his barbarism. This great work from the Ambrosio hotbed admi...
Documentary about the annual kermis and cattle-market in Anderlecht.
Documentary in two parts about Amsterdam's ports Documentary about the activities in Amsterdam's ports. We see images of shipbuilding, of the shipping traffic on the IJ and the Amstel, and the transfe...
In preparion for war, German and French ships and hydroplanes are launched in Wilhelmshaven and Lorient. The war technology is depicted in an objective and proud manner, which today seems in stark con...
Newsreel about a group of youngsters flying over Brussels and the World's Fair.
Documentary about urbanism and aesthetics in architecture. This film is a part of the trilogy 'Urbanisme'.
Mehmet Sözer, Maria Furtwängler in "Das Wetter in geschlossenen Räumen" (2014/15)
Szene aus "Sprung in den Abgrund"
Szene aus "Der Mann mit dem Glasauge"
Szene mit Hans Brausewetter (2.v.r.)
Michael Caine, Brendan Fraser, Do Thi Hai Yen (from left to right) in "Der stille Amerikaner" (2001/02)
Rick Kavanian, Patrick Flecken (left to right) during the dubbing of "Felix - Ein Hase auf Weltreise" (2005)
Erich Kaiser-Titz, Lya Mara
Wilhelm Borchert, Inge von Wangenheim
Ein Lebensbild aus der Kriegs- und Nachkriegszeit mit
Historisches Drama mit
Spanisches Sittendrama nach dem Roman von
Ein Film von
Komödie mit
Liebesdrama nach dem Roman "Brüder" von
Lebensbild mit
Liebesdrama (Kostüm) mit