Vor vielen Jahren verließ Yael Reuveny ihre Heimat Israel, um in Berlin zu leben und zu arbeiten. 15 Jahre später kehrt die Filmemacherin in ihr Geburtsland zurück, um herauszufinden, was aus ihren...
Immer wenn Conrad sich mit seinen Eltern trifft, müssen er und seine Frau sich Tiraden von seinem Vater Carl anhören. Darum beschränkt er die Besuche auf ein Minimum. Beim obligatorischen Geburtsta...
Jasper, ein kleiner Pinguinjunge, hat einen Traum: Er will die Welt jenseits seiner antarktischen Heimat kennen lernen. Die anderen Pinguine machen sich deshalb über ihn lustig, können sie sich doch...
Frederick Lau, Katharina Thalbach in "Wuff - Folge dem Hund" (2018)
Uschi Glas, Walter Giller
Still with Saba Sahar (on the right)
"Alles Bob" (1999)
Jérémy Kapone
Szene aus "Frozen Angels"
Stefania Sandrelli, Sami Frey
Screenshot of "Die Frankfurter Kleinstwohnung" (1928)
31st January celebrations and military parade. 5th October military parade. Armistice in Oporto. WW I memorial.
International newsreel. Most of the content is news about the war, and especially about the serbs. We also see American nurses on their way to the front. There are also some sportscasts.
The film shows May Day parades and other arrangments under the auspices of the labour movement in Norway.
An exciting series of pictures of daring horsemanship. The film is full of thrilling episodes, and is asubject that should prove highly popular. "The Bioscope", 8th September 2010.
This documentary was shot by Capra between November 6 and 29 1921 and shows the Italian battle cruiser Libia, visiting the port of San Francisco. The Italian sailors are welcomed to the Golden G...
Livorno was just a lively center of Macchiaioli art as Florence. Many artists painted in Livorno including Cristiano Banti, Giovanni Boldini and, on the most painted waterfront in Italy, Vincenz...
The story of the Rosselli brothers through the testimony of Maria Agostini, Fausto Nitti, Emilio Lussu and Ferruccio Parri.
Short film in which a child is playing with soldier puppets and falls asleep. In the following dream the puppets come to life, through animation.