I. 'FUNERAL OF FIREMAN HERO: J.S. Green whose fearless bravery was instrumental in saving 22 lives from a fire caused by a Zeppelin raid on the London District'. Brass-helmetted firemen carry the coff...
Parts of the newsreels from the period of 1914-1918. Major Vojislav Tankosic, whose extradition was requested by the Austro-Hungarian government in the ultimatum sent to Serbia, was filmed smoking a c...
The regimental band plays a tune led by its conductor. Various troopers and civilians watch the sports. A jumping contest - some of the officers wear 'No 1 Blues' uniform and others are in mufti. An o...
The film starts with the four-man aircraft crew posed at the water's side in Kristianiafjord, with the two pilots, Captain S D Scott and Major C J Galpin, in the centre. Their flying-boat, a Felixstow...
The Portuguese officers pose with their British liaison and training staff. A parade ground marchpast, possibly gunners doing formation drill. Semaphore practice on the parade ground. Gun teams practi...
One of the guests gets out of a car outside the main door of the house. The car, along with another, leaves through the gates. A further party of four guests emerging from another car is greeted by tw...
The film opens with a German jackboot across the map of Alsace-Lorraine. An old couple in Alsatian costume read the news of the annexation and bemoan their fate while German officers strut outside the...
In 1921, following the World War I armistice, the Allies occupy a section of German territory in order to obtain war reparations. The French troops are situated in the Rhenish territory, whose first F...
31103 - Thann - Rue des Boeufs - Saint-Thiébaut Church (Thann, Haut-Rhin) Stereoscopic glass plate from a private collection in Alsace-Lorraine.
Na pravé straně fotografie je skupina vojáků a na levé děti.
V popředí Jiří Voldán (Vladimír Ch. Vladimírov) před odvodní komisí.
Srocení davu civilistů na Václavském náměstí v Praze v době mobilisace.
Srocení davu civilistů na Václavském náměstí v Praze v době mobilisace.