Large scale police raids on smugglers on the Budapest-Vienna railway line, on ships sailing the Danube, and along the nation’s border. "The film, made using official equipment, shows the exciting pu...
Il servizio relativo alla confisca di beni artistici italiani da parte dei tedeschi presenta un'immagine di repertorio di Hitlere e Goering e di soldati tedeschi che fanno razzia nelle abitazioni di u...
Der junge Heli lebt in einer kleinen Stadt in Zentralmexiko, wo er seinen bescheidenen Lebensunterhalt in einer Automobilfabrik verdient. Das Haus, das er mit seiner Frau und ihrem gemeinsamen Baby be...
The old sailor Pietro has one son, the young Schiantacatene who is married to Mary, and a daughter, the beautiful Fiamma. One night, despite the news of an imminent pirate attack, the men decide to go...
"Razzia" (1947)
There was not any kind of restriction.
There was not any kind of restriction.
There was not any kind of restriction.
The government of Baden applied for revocation of permission of the film "Razzia in St. Pauli". The application was accepted.