Panorama dolomitico accompagnato dai cori montani.
1 - panoramica probabilmente di Trento;
2 - ragazza affacciata ad un balcone;
3 - strade della città vecchia;
4 - ragazzi in bic...
Un bambino fiorentino, nelle ore notturne, aiuta non visto il padre nel suo lavoro di scrivano. Ben presto, a causa delle veglie, il piccolo scrivano trascura i suoi compiti scolastici finendo con l...
Episode of the monthly series of stories from the book Cuore of Edmondo De Amicis. In the town hall there is a solemn ceremony of handing over the medal for civil valor. The winner is a Piedmont boy w...
After the Battle of Solferino, a group of Italian soldiers asks a local boy to act as lookout, climbing a tree and watching the enemy troops. But suddenly he falls hit by enemy fire. The soldiers will...
The melancholy story of a juvenile love in the early twentieth century Turin: the student Mario meets and gets engaged to the seamstress Dorina, his landlady’s daughter. A beautiful and bored lady d...
The melancholy story of a juvenile love in the early twentieth century Turin: the student Mario meets and gets engaged to the seamstress Dorina, his landlady’s daughter. A beautiful and bored lady d...
The melancholy story of a juvenile love in the early twentieth century Turin: the student Mario meets and gets engaged to the seamstress Dorina, his landlady’s daughter. A beautiful and bored lady d...
Western - Cinema italiano - Scena - Set - Backstage - Bambini
Western - Cinema italiano - Scena - Set - Backstage - Bambini
Western - Cinema italiano - Scena - Set - Backstage - Bambini
Western - Cinema italiano - Scena - Set - Backstage - Bambini
Western - Cinema italiano - Scena - Set - Backstage - Bambini
Western - Cinema italiano - Scena - Set - Backstage - Bambini
Western - Cinema italiano - Scena - Set - Backstage - Bambini
Western - Cinema italiano - Scena - Set - Backstage - Bambini