Finnish Athletics Championships, Kalevan kisat, at Kauriala Stadium in Hämeenlinna.
Lepaa Horticultural College is 50 years old. The French navy visits Helsinki South Harbour. U.S. swimming show at Ahvenisto in Hämeenlinna. Gymnastics at the Prague Spartakiad (foreign material). Flo...
The Israeli ambassador presents his credentials to the President of the Republic. The Great Finnish Fair (Suomen Suurmessut) opening on Töölö ball field. Posters from the Finlandia poster competiti...
The Israeli ambassador presents his credentials to the President of the Republic. The Great Finnish Fair (Suomen Suurmessut) opening on Töölö ball field. Posters from the Finlandia poster competiti...
Funeral of the victims of Torpedo boat S2’s accident in 1925 and commemoration in 1960. Industrial art exhibition at Kunsthalle Helsinki. ‘A Hundred Years Ago’ exhibition at the Finnish National...
Opintorahastoyhdistysten Tuki student grant organisation celebrates 10 years with an exhibition of the works of sponsored artists. Artificial skating rink opened in Helsinki. In Helsinki, speedway rac...
Industrial art and design exhibition in Helsinki during the Italian weeks. Supplementary course in Helsinki organised by the Technical Society. United Nations Day festivities at the Helsinki School of...
State and province sports committees negotiate in Helsinki. The United Nations’ 15th anniversary (foreign material). Executive Director of UNICEF in Finland. Commemorative Mannerheim stamp issued in...