The top-ranked wrestler, Apostolos Sougklakos, finds his sister Stefania in the arms of Nikos, and so he then forces them to become engaged. A few days later, a ruthless bookie named Stergios suggests...
A young man, Foivos, is released from prison and tries to reintegrate into society, searching at first for a job and having only the support of his girlfriend Viki. His mother, Matoula, struggles for ...
A young drug addict (Panos Michalopoulos) tells his story on a television program, recounting the death of his friend (Stamatis Gardelis) and the personal drama of young kids who are drawn into a life...
Berlin, 1936. A Greek student, Nelly (Aliki Vougiouklaki), abandons her studies and, with the help of the Jew Vily Foster, makes her debut as a singer in a cabaret. In no time at all, she becomes famo...
Iro Konstantopoulou was thirteen years old when the Germans invaded Greece. Despite her age, however, she got involved with the resistance. When she was arrested for the first time, her rich father ma...