A little before the outbreak of World War II, a man’s work takes him away from his family. During the war, his wife dies, and his three children are adopted by other families. When the children grow...
The film is a dramatized documentary, a study that revives life at Spinalogka, the exile of the lepers. We watch romantic and emotional adventures, ideological and sentimental conflicts featuring the ...
This is a dramatized documentary about the life of the lepers in the leper colony at Spinalonga. Love and emotional affairs, ideological and ethical conflicts take place, whose protagonists are the pa...
A social drama with melodramatic twists. A gang of white slavers systematically seduces young women into prostitution. At the time, the film was somewhat shocking in its approach to nudity. It provide...
The singer Nikos (Stavros Zalmas) and Vasso (Katerina Kouka), a young employee, work at the local nightclub “Charama”. Vasso is fascinated by the singer and hopes to become a singer herself one da...
The heroic people of Souli have managed to repulse Ali Pasha’s troops, and brave Malamos Drakos sends his mother to ask for Maro’s hand in marriage. Maro is the niece of the woman captain Tzavela...
The Cypriot orphan dress-maker’s assistant Nina lives in Athens, in a housing complex of Mrs. Froso. She falls in love with Lakis, a university student from Macedonia, but he is drafted and leaves f...