A widow (Irene Papas) becomes much closer to her son (Stratos Tzortzoglou), thanks to a series of events and incidents in which the most unlikely characters are involved. The mother falls in love, aft...
Allerede før semesterstart på Hogwarts, skolen for heksekunster og troldmandsskab, har Harry kæmpet mod Dementorer i Little Whinging. Da Harry har brugt magi foran en muggler, bliver han indkaldt t...
Szene aus "Living Buddha" (1987-94)
Szene aus "Die drei Räuber"
Filmplakat 02
Szene aus "Felidae"
"Aggregat" (2018)
Rudi Schuricke bei den Dreharbeiten
John Taylor (PlasticsEurope) erklärt die Vorzüge von Plastik
"z.B. Otto Spalt" (1987)
<p>Den unge Karl Fribert indtager en betroet stilling som prokurist i Alexis Brenges gamle, velansete bank, og chefen, der sætter stor pris på ham, overvælder ham med tillidshverv. Lykken syn...
Promotional documentary on missionary work in Belgian Congo. Commissioned by the Priests of the Sacred Heart, who are trying to recruit new missionaries for the Belgian colony of Congo.
A history of the Belgian royal family.
A history of the Belgian royal family.
La construction du Résidence Palace de Bruxelles, racontée dans l'ordre chronologique, de 1923 à 1927. Le film a sans doute été réalisé pour le Crédit général hypothécaire et mobilier, maî...