Amateur footage of West Pilton's Gala week including the church parade, a bowling competition, a football match and the Gala Queen crowning ceremony.
It is Christmas Eve and Martha, Eleni's grandaughter, is sent out to beg in the streets, is hit by a car and seriously injured. Martha’s grandmother, Eleni, is Mrs. Olga’s maid from Southern Epir...
One day, on the island of Lesbos, a shepherd by the name of Lamonas finds an abandoned little boy sucking milk from the teats of a goat. The shepherd calls the boy Dafnis and takes him as his own chil...
One day, on the island of Lesbos, a shepherd by the name of Lamonas finds an abandoned little boy sucking milk from the teats of a goat. The shepherd calls the boy Dafnis and takes him as his own chil...
An introduction to Perthshire, highlighting its places of interest, countryside and leisure opportunities.
Scenes of the peace pageant in the Borders town of Galashiels.
Film of 'Tammie Twister', a pantomime which includes George West and Jack E Raymond as Laurel and Hardy.
The 750th Anniversary of Kirkintilloch and the celebrations and events to mark it, including a football match, swimming competition, and a church parade.
Reims en ruines (Département Marne, Champagne-Ardenne)
Un 210 éclate - Faubourg d'Amiens á Arras (Nord-Pas-de-Calais)
Dixmude en ruines (Diksmuide, Belgique, Yser, Flandre-Occidentale)
4045 - Marne 1916 - Fosse commune
7301 - Argonne - La Chalade (Lachalade, Département Meuse, Lorraine)
3217 - Albert Cathédrale (Albert, Département Somme, Picardie)
Main de Massiges (Département Marne, Champagne-Ardenne)
23113 - Tourelle détruite - Champagne
Allerede før semesterstart på Hogwarts, skolen for heksekunster og troldmandsskab, har Harry kæmpet mod Dementorer i Little Whinging. Da Harry har brugt magi foran en muggler, bliver han indkaldt t...
De velkendte figurer Harry, Ron og Hermione drager af sted for at gennemføre den farefulde mission at finde hemmeligheden bag Voldemorts udødelighed og dermed tilintetgørelse af Horcruxerne. Alene,...
Troldmanden Harry Potter og hans venner Ron og Hermione står over for deres hidtil største opgave, da de skal tilbage til troldmandsskolen Hogwarts, nu under ledelse af Severus Snape, for at finde o...
Den gamle ungkarl Harry bor i en faldefærdig barak på den autoophugningsplads, han fører tilsyn med. Han tjener lidt ekstra som bud for lokale handlende og er afholdt i kvarteret. Da han uventet ar...
Debutinstruktøren Eran Merav giver med sin fransk-israelske 'Zion and His Brother' et indblik i forholdet mellem to uadskillelige brødre, der på hver sin måde er ved at definere sig selv i forhold...