Lloyd og Harry er ufatteligt dumme, men samtidig meget initiativrige. I deres ærlige iver for at aflevere en mappe til en dame, som de tror har glemt den, efterstræbes de snart af såvel gangstere s...
Borgerne i den lille by Hyland i New England er rystede, da en ung pige bliver brutalt myrdet og efterladt i sneen. Og for Carolyn og Ben Ryan er det en katastrofe. Den myrdede pige var deres søn Jac...
A pickpocket acts as an inept golfer. Helpful souls become robbed. A female pickpocket turns up. The two pickpockets pick the golfers pockets. But they become disclosed. They try to escape and shoot a...
When the now-wealthy Jack sees his former lover by chance on the silver screen, he immediately goes looking for her.
Fire betjente er døde i et skudopgør i New York, og det ligner et baghold. Hele politistyrken er i oprør og der er hævn i luften. Med en politimorder løs og hele styrkens rygte og stand på spil,...
Scenes from the pantomime 'Robinson Crusoe', starring Harry Gordon and Will Fyffe.
An advert for Guthrie's mutton showing that only the best sheep are selected.
Still with Valdemar Psilander (in the middle)
Still with Else Frölich (second from the right), Olaf Fönss (on the right)
Olaf Fönss, Alma Hinding
Valdemar Psilander
Still from "Herrn Arnes Schatz"
Mary Johnson, Richard Lund
Mary Johnson, Richard Lund
Mauritz Stiller (on the left) on set
<p>Den unge Karl Fribert indtager en betroet stilling som prokurist i Alexis Brenges gamle, velansete bank, og chefen, der sætter stor pris på ham, overvælder ham med tillidshverv. Lykken syn...
Promotional documentary on missionary work in Belgian Congo. Commissioned by the Priests of the Sacred Heart, who are trying to recruit new missionaries for the Belgian colony of Congo.
A history of the Belgian royal family.
A history of the Belgian royal family.
La construction du Résidence Palace de Bruxelles, racontée dans l'ordre chronologique, de 1923 à 1927. Le film a sans doute été réalisé pour le Crédit général hypothécaire et mobilier, maî...