The recent history of Berlin: World War II, collapse, reconstruction - presented on the basis of newsreel material.
Allegorical anti-war film directed by Victor Trivas. Five people from different backgrounds are in a dugout in no man’s land between the front lines: a carpenter from Berlin, a mechanic from Paris, ...
Four characteristic episodes in the life of a middle-aged man, starting at Berlin in 1965 and ending up in modern Athens. Four trips to different places and inside the human soul, each one of them loo...
Tuukka Tanner, Elsa Turakainen, and Risto Orko leave for the Berlin International Film Festival. Nordic Co-operation Treaty deposited in the Government Banquet Hall. Fire at Tilgmann’s printing hous...
Snímek zachycující různé způsobů, jakými byl oslavován svátek práce 1. května 1951. Film zdůrazňuje kontrast mezi přírodou a mechanickou prací. Série průvodů v Praze je dobře zdok...
1. In Moscow. Dedication of a monument to the poet Kol’cov. “Today we dedicate a monument to the ‘red-blooded’ proletariat poet Kol’cov.” (From the speech of Comrade Kamenev). / Next to th...
1. The Poldihütte administration building in Vienna.
2. Interior views of the offices.
3. The employees’ dining rooms.
4. The Poldihütte administration building in Berlin.
5. I...
Herbst 1918, das Ende des Krieges zeichnet sich ab. Ein junger Fähnrich erlebt die erste Liebe und kurz darauf die Meuterei eines ganzen Regiments ruthenischer, polnischer und galizischer Soldaten. E...
Christoph Schlingensief, Angela Winkler
Sabine Bach, Hanns Zischler
"Berlin JWD" (2022)
Paul Kalkbrenner
Stephan Ziller in "Spirit Berlin" (2011-14)
"Spirit Berlin" (2011-14)
"Spirit Berlin" (2011-14)
The production company applied against the ban of the film "Sodom und Gomorrha I. Teil" at the censorship headquarter in Berlin. The application was accepted. The film was permitted with age restricti...
L.B, Gegen die Polizei-Zensur !, Der Kinematograph, 679/80, (1920), S. 51-53. Bericht über eine Protestveranstaltung der Deutschen Filmgewerkschaft in Berlin. Es sei noch nie so viel zensiert worden ...