>> www.eremo.net Eremo s.r.l. is an Italian SME specialised in project management in the cultural heritage sector at the national, European and international levels. Eremo’s role in EFG is to provide for dissemination and concertation. The main objectives of the company are to design and manage research projects involving libraries and cultural heritage institutions of all kinds. The company has previously managed and provided dissemination services for related EU-funded projects such as TEL-ME-MOR, EDL, EuropeanaConnect, EuropeanaTravel and Europeana and had a long relationship with CENL and its membership of national libraries in The European Library (TEL). Eremo staff and associates have extensive experience in project management and dissemination in a European cultural context as well as first hand knowledge of eContentplus and other European and international funding programmes.
Role in EFG project: Dissemination lead and support of project co-ordination.