A German officer addresses his men in a dugout. They emerge from the dugout and man their trench against an Australian attack. The Australians storm the trench and throw grenades down into the dugouts...
The fatal consequences of accidentally letting the enemy discover secret information are illustrated by an episode set in the trenches. Orders for an attack are passed down from Hindenburg to GHQ to o...
Scenes of battles, trenches, wounded and prisoners
Scenes of battles, trenches, wounded and prisoners
View of the trenches that develop more than 600 km
View of the trenches that develop more than 600 km
Wrecked houses, the result of shell-damage, are shown in the suburbs which were part of the French position. A German trench captured by the French is also shown.
The French forces in the Battle ...
Kuulipilduja dott.
Suurtükiväe vaatluspunkt.
Kaeviku varjend, niinimetatud “hiireurg”.
115 mm suurükimürsust tabamuse saanud blindaaž.
Kaeviku laskemoona blindaaž, sissepääs varjendisse, fekaalikast, kaeviku valgustuskaabel.
Sissepääs kaeviku varjendisse ja fekaalikast.
Kaeviku kaitsesektor ja mürsuladu.
Kaeviku varjendi sissepääs.