This is a dramatized documentary referring to an ancient act of worship, sacrifice to the gods, as seen in its contemporary manifestation and survival in the Christian religion and through the eyes of...
Laoura is an actress very much in love with Stefanos, a rich man. However, that love is always being tested by unfavorable circumstances. His mother does not approve of her because she is an actress. ...
Andreas Politis (Giorgos Konstas) is a writer who stays isolated in the country house of his ex-wife (Smaragda Smyrnaiou) in order to finish his book. The disappearance of a neighbor becomes a source ...
A deserter and an actress (Giorgos Sfyridis and Amalia Moutousi) fall in love with each other, and in the midst of their short but passionate affair they experience fear, conflict, melancholy and resi...
Andreas Savvidis is a librarian, who sees the people around him exclusively as heroes from books, acting in the realms of fantasy. Literature is everything to him and he thinks that whatever exists an...
A criminal (Alkis Giannakas) covets a young woman’s property (Alexandra Ladikou). He succeeds in charming her, and she begins spending all her money. The criminal’s former girlfriend (Zeta Apostol...
The sister of a Greek Cypriot patriot is in love with a Turkish Cypriot. When the first clashes between Greek Cypriots and their British colonial masters begin, the Turkish Cypriots remain on the side...
I. A recruiting march by girls of the Women's Land Army in central London, April 1918. Members of the Women's Land Army form an escort for the Lord Mayor of London, Charles A Hanson, as he enters Sain...
Alexandra Kamp, Hape Kerkeling
Hape Kerkeling, Alexandra Kamp
Thomas Fritsch, Alexandra Stewart
Alexandra Maria Lara
Heino Ferch, Alexandra Neldel
Alexandra Maria Lara
Alexandra Maria Lara
German movie poster of "Alfons Zitterbacke - Endlich Klassenfahrt!" (2022)