The first Norwegian film with international ambitions, Thin Ice is a story of young love, corporate ambition, and a daring nighttime caper. Tom, a strapping young student, gets his dream job as an adv...
Szene mit Ilse Stobrawa (links)
Hertha Feiler, Ilse Stobrawa, Rolf Weih, Helmut Weiss (v.l.n.r.)
Szene mit Ilse Stobrawa (vorne rechts)
Gunnar Möller, Günther Körner, Wolfgang Lukschy, Ernst Schröder, Ilse Petri (standing, from left to right), Renée Stobrawa, Heinrich George (both sitting) in "Die Degenhardts" (1943/44)
Szene mit Ilse Stobrawa (3.v.l.), Gustl Stark-Gstettenbaur (Mitte vorne)