
Género: Documentary film / Trailer
Ano: 2008
Duração: 01:59 min
Descrição: On the occasion of the 18th anniversary of the reunified Germany, Martin Sonneborn – head of "Die Partei" and editor of the monthly satire magazine "Titanic" – starts his expedition around Berlin. Six weeks and 250 kilometres lie ahead of him. Sonneborn wants to know about the condition of the new Germany in the year of its coming-of-age. How do the East-Germans – the "Ossis" – view their Western counterparts and vice versa? During his travels, he discovers new settlements in the East exclusively inhabited by West-Germans, former citizens of the GDR, who glorify the times before the reunification – and young people, who actually haven′t realized that Germany in one country now.
Fornecedor: DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum
Direitos: In Copyright / titanic.filmverleih GbR (Potsdam)
Director: Susanne Müller
Andreas Coerper -
Tipo de documento:
Language: de