Film shots from the life of the Finance Minister, JUDr. (doctor of law) Alois Rašín. Funeral of Alois Rašín in February 1923. Funeral procession is leaving the building of the National Museum. Cof...
Overall view of the town followed by the shots of the most important buildings in town and its immediate surroundings (chateau, the Church of St. Lawrence, town hall, textile mill of the Bartoň of Do...
Return of T.G.M. to his home land. The train bringing him to Prague makes a stop in Dolní Dvořiště, České Budějovicve, Veselí - Mezimostí and Benešov; he receives a warm welcome at each of t...
The Sokol Gathering guests are coming by cars to Žofín. Sokol members coming from different countries are marching in a ceremony parade; they are being welcomed by people looking down at them from t...
The year 1928 was marked by celebrations of the tenth anniversary of foundation of the Czechoslovak Republic. On Malostranské Square there was unveiled the Memorial of the French politician and histo...
President T. G. Masaryk enters the grounds of an anti-aircraft artillery exercise in Strahov, Prague. He is accompanied by important military functionaries- commander of the Military Cabinet of the Pr...
Detailed description of the modern technology of sugar beet processing. In other words the sugar odtained from the beet slips goes through several phases of the production process (centrifuge, filtrat...
The furrier's shop of the Karakul Company is located at 2 Františkánská Street, the town of Plzeň. We can watch a fashion show and two models (a man and a woman) showing the newest male and femal...
Polodetail Anny (Anny Ondráková) na tmavém pozadí
Polykarp flirts with a girl on the tram and his hat flies off in the wind. He runs off after it and he meets Mimi. He walks with her through the snowy city streets. He arranges to meet her at three o'...
Prisoner and warden take a dead man out of the pulley.
Four weary old bachelors are driving back from a party. They fall asleep on the divan and they dream that fairies are dancing around them - a symbol of nuptials. In the morning, however, they swear th...
Myzet (actor) holds a bundle in his hand; the second one is Pražský (actor).
Běla (actress: Nataša Cyganková) sleeps, Hanč (actor: Theodor Pištěk ) stands over her.
Štěpán Potocký (actor: Hugo Svoboda) and Mařička Holých (actress: Bronislava Livia)
Kadlecová (actress) on a wedding dress with a veil. Nedošinská (actress) on a dark long dress.
Kino : ill. týden. pro hlediště : orgán Synd. film. autorů. – Vol. 1, No. 1 (March 1919) -35 (December 1919). -- Praha : Volné vydavatelství KINO, 1919. -- ISSN 1804-4301 Weekly paper of the ...
Kino : ill. týden. pro hlediště : orgán Synd. film. autorů. – Vol. 1, No. 1 (March 1919) -35 (December 1919). -- Praha : Volné vydavatelství KINO, 1919. -- ISSN 1804-4301 Weekly paper of the ...
Kino : ill. týden. pro hlediště : orgán Synd. film. autorů. -- Roč. 1, č. 1 (březen 1919)-35 (29.12.1919). -- Praha : Volné vydavatelství KINO, 1919. -- ISSN 1804-4301 Týdeník Syndikátu f...
Kino : ill. týden. pro hlediště : orgán Synd. film. autorů. – Vol. 1, No. 1 (March 1919) -35 (December 1919). -- Praha : Volné vydavatelství KINO, 1919. -- ISSN 1804-4301 Weekly paper of the ...
Kino : ill. týden. pro hlediště : orgán Synd. film. autorů. -- Vol. 1, No. 1 (March 1919) -35 (December 1919). -- Praha : Volné vydavatelství KINO, 1919. -- ISSN 1804-4301 Weekly paper of the F...
Cinematographic Journal: illustrated weekly for the audience: impartial and independent magazine for all interests cinema. - Vol. 3, No. 1 (February 27, 1919) -11 (29 May 1919). - Prague: M. Fuchs, 19...
Cinematographic Journal: illustrated weekly for the audience: impartial and independent magazine for all interests cinema. - Vol. 3, No. 1 (February 27, 1919) -11 (29 May 1919). - Prague: M. Fuchs, 19...
Cinematographic Journal: illustrated weekly for the audience: impartial and independent magazine for all interests cinema. - Vol. 3, No. 1 (February 27, 1919) -11 (29 May 1919). - Prague: M. Fuchs, 19...