The syrup is collected in March, when the farmer drills a small hole in the tree then attaches a wooden "spile" for the sap to flow out of, and a bucket in which the sap is collected. The sap from sev...
The film appears to start in Calcutta with street scenes, and views of some of the buildings, both Western and Eastern in influence. A funeral procession takes place, ending at the river. Further inla...
A man in the uniform of an RFC flight sergeant prepares the camera on a workbench. First the lens cap is removed and the lens cleaned. Then he sets the blind aperture and the exposure indicator to zer...
The cadets, on the ground, study maps. Two of them climb out of a Bristol F2B Fighter after a training flight. One has his parachute harness checked. Another tries to control his parachute on the grou...
A Vickers Virginia bomber is set up to be fired from one of the catapults. First, a pilot gets into a smaller aircraft, a Fairey IIIF (not a seaplane) which is launched by one version of the catapult,...
A Vickers Virginia bomber is launched from the catapult. On the second launch the camera shows the view from the front of the bomber as it flies forward out of the catapult.
Newsreel item on expe...
The aircraft comes in to land at Cranwell and taxies to a halt. The crew members, Squadron Leader A G Jones-Williams and Flight Lieutenant N H Jenkins, are congratulated on their flight, which took 50...
The Germans lost eleven Zeppelins in the course of the raid, five of them over France. First, the wreck of one of the airships is inspected by French soldiers, while two of the aircraft which shot it ...
Medium shot of Nurse Mathilde (actress: Adina Mandlová) lying in a bed with a bandage on her left elbow. Nurse Tonička (actress: Truda Grosslichtová) is standing on the left with her hand resting o...
Medium shot of Rjepkin (actor: Vladimír Borský) standing next to a night stand in a hospital room. In the background is a window with a panoramic view of Brno.
Wide shot of an empty city street with three-storeyed buildings on the right and urban greenery on the left.
Medium shot of Nurse Mathilde (actress: Adina Mandlová) standing in a half opened door with her hand on the door handle.
Three families on the villiage green after the mobilization. From the left Mrs. Bártová and her son, Bárta (laborer), Janda (smith) and Tomeš (farmer) pledge a loyalty to the idea of Slavonic unit...
Three families on the public green after mobilization. From the left: Mrs. Bártová, Bárta and his son, Janda and his family, Tomeš and his family. Travel packages in the foreground.
After the mobilization: women hold on men and cry. On the left Janda (smith), the second one is Tomeš (farmer).
Farmer Tomeš and his son Jeníček with the oxcart full of straw.
O. Verf.. "Filmempfehlungen der Lichtbilderei GmbH M.Gladbach." Bild & Film. Zeitschrift für Lichtbilderei und Kinematographie III,7 (1913/1917). Die genannten Filme (Quo Vadis, Die Jungfrau von Orle...
Rennert, Malwine. „Gabriele d'Annunzio als Filmdichter.“ Bild & Film. Zeitschrift für Lichtbilderei und Kinematographie, III, 9/10 (1913/1914): 210-213. Rennert lobt den Film über alle Maßen, w...
O. Verf.. „Ein Kinematographengesetz in Württemberg.“ Bild & Film. Zeitschrift für Lichtbilderei und Kinematographie, III, 3/4 (1913/1914): 73. Jeder Film, der öffentlich vorgeführt werde, mü...
K.W., Kino, Krieg und Kirche, Der Kinematograph, 465, (1915), S. 15-16. Bericht über die preußische Generalsynode, in der das Kino als verderblich angegriffen wurde. Der Verfasser entgegnet, dass di...
National Film G.m.b.H. "Wir Barbaren", Der Kinematograph, 439, (1915), S. 20-22. Rezension einer Komödie, die die französische Propaganda gegen Deutschland aufgreift.
Joniak, Nikolaus: „Der Kino und die Mässigkeitsbewegung.“ Der Kinematograph 395 (1914). Das Kino sei nicht nur kein Feind der Sittlichkeit, sondern stehe sogar der Trunksucht als Quelle aller mor...
Kriegsbilder-Revuen, Der Kinematograph, 419, (1915), S. 13. Die Aufnahmen, die das Volk vom Krieg zu sehen bekomme, seien oft nicht informativ genug, weil sie aus Zensurgründen gekürzt seien. Es sei...