Inga und Baldvin haben Ärger mit ihren Nachbarn. Der Grund: Der gewaltige Baum im geliebten Garten des Paares raubt den gut situierten Nachbarn die Sonne. Bald entwickelt sich aus der vermeintlich ha...
Dokumentarfilm über die Karriere des deutschen Profi-Basketballers Dirk Nowitzki, der in Amerika zum einem der erfolgreichsten Korbjäger der National Basketball Association (NBA) wurde. Der Film erz...
Ein israelischer Filmemacher reist in ein Dorf mitten in der Wüste, um in der dortigen Bibliothek seinen neuesten Film vorzustellen. Eigentlich hat er mit dem Projekt längst abgeschlossen und denkt ...
The film forms a contrast to the number of canting pictures or the silence existing round the period of the first six months after a child has been born. It takes up some of the problems that three di...
So close to the source is the jumping dancing stream of colours that no forms or shapes can be captured. The thunder of creation is so loud, so strong, that the joy of movement foreshadow future possi...
Cameron Monaghan, Nick Price, Chancellor Miller, Jonathan Pienaar (v.l.n.r.)
Siegfrieds Leichenzug (Entwurf). Tusche, Bleistift auf Zeichenkarton
Szene aus "2012"
German movie poster of "Das Herz des Piraten" (1987/88)
"Elefantenherz" (2002)
Trude Berliner
German movie poster of "Die Farbe der Sehnsucht" (2014-16)
Piet Clausen, Werner Hinz, Walter Bluhm, Heidi Becker (v.l.n.r..)
From private wedding festivities at a wooden villa in the city of Fredikstad.
A commercial for Rex Margarine with the Greek philosopher Diogenes as the main character.
Documentario dedicato al poeta e scrittore Aldo Palazzeschi. Una voce fuori campo recita alcune poesie di Palazzeschi mentre alcuni mimi si muovono su un palco. Attraverso foto d'epoca (tra cui ...
Street scenes in Bethlehem, the Church of Saint Mary, the Gardens of Gethsemane, the Via Dolorosa, the Holy Sepulchre, the Valley of Kidron and (in silhouette) a tree where, according to legend, Judas...
Nel quartiere romano di San Lorenzo (compreso fra Porta Tiburtina e Viale dello Scalo San Lorenzo) si trovano la Basilica di San Lorenzo fuori le mura e il Cimitero del Verano: a metà Ottocento...
The first Norwegian film with international ambitions, Thin Ice is a story of young love, corporate ambition, and a daring nighttime caper. Tom, a strapping young student, gets his dream job as an adv...
Nella storia dell'Italia unita, accanto all'iconografia ufficiale che documenta la vita politica e sociale del Paese, è fiorita nei quotidiani politici, nei periodici umoristici e in opuscoli u...