The young hothead Billy is drifting into a life of crime and has a violent quarrel with his girlfriend Nelly. The lay preacher John Redmond tells Billy his life's story. Many years before, he was a we...
A camel train approaches and enters the city. A panorama of the city taken from the sea. Tiffin (compressed camel or horse fodder) being unloaded from ships lying out to sea by surf boats. The men wor...
"Narren" (2019)
Still from "Die Thomaner"
Onur Saylak
Manuel Steitz
Szene mit Til Schweiger, Jasmin Gerat
Paraschiva Dragus in "alles inklusive" (2013/14)
Stefano Cassetti, Anna König in "5 Frauen" (2015/16)
Screenplay (excerpt) of "Siebenmal in der Woche...".
Internal correspondence regarding speeding-up shooting of "Die Spur führt nach Berlin".
Letter from CCC to Meteorologisches Institut (Meteorological institute) Tübingen, 26 January 1955 regarding "Studentin Helene Willfüer".
Daily production report No. 15, 02 June 1962 on the shooting of "Das Testament des Dr. Mabuse".
Telegram from Artur Brauner to Helmut Ungerland, 03 December 1959 regarding the shooting of "Herrin der Welt (Teil I)".
Daily production report No. 19, 07 June 1962 on the shooting of "Das Testament des Dr. Mabuse".
Daily production report No. 26, 18 June 1962 on the shooting of "Das Testament des Dr. Mabuse".
Press information on "Sündige Grenze".