A comedic tale set in the garden of the Thoms' family house, on a summer's day. A group of boys playing in the garden get into trouble with a pernickety neighbour but later redeem themselves by spott...
Out-takes from an unfinished amateur short comedy film, shot during the Scottish Association of Amateur Cinematographers' annual members' weekend in Crieff.
This is a film regarding a fictional character and how he became interested in playing bowls. Opening with the central character as a boy playing bowls by chance, the scene changes to show the charac...
Scenes on the island of Barra; Castlebay and the MacNeil's Kisimul Castle, the Bay of Traigh Vais, shell gathering and crofting.
Children prepare for Christmas around their house and the two brothers look after their mischievous baby sister.
A film about a little boy's dream about what he would like from Santa. His dream comes true and he gets the toy that he was wishing for.
Story of four children who are playing when they discover a goose's egg. They try to boil the egg but the egg expands and floats away. The story unfolds as the children chase after the egg only to fin...
The Royal Highland Show in Dundee, attended by the Queen. There is a livestock display, highland dancing and games.