A little before he receives his grandfather, who is arriving from Istanbul, an astrophysicist recollects his childhood in Constantinople: his life there, his family, friends and childhood love. In the...
Two young friends (Dimitra Matsouka and Anna Mascha) leave their husbands (Konstantinos Markoulakis and Kleon Grigoriadis) and decide to live together. They fall in love with each other, and, at the s...
Five women, Anna-Maria Karamani, a teacher of Greek; Eva Manola, an ex-singer of the light repertoire; Ritsa Melissinou, a bank clerk; Lia Hatzi, a hairdresser; and Elektra Petridi, a dentist, are mar...
In a village a woman catches her husband red-handed with an unfortunate orphan named Marigo, who is then exposed to public ridicule and forced to flee to Athens. In Athens, Marigo gets a job as a hous...