A young woman (Christina Kontseta), who is pursued by a crazy man (Paschalis Tsarouchas), struggles to survive on an isolated plateau. This man is one of two who have been the subject of secret experi...
In 1969, Christos (Dimosthenis Papadopoulos) arrives in Athens with his family from the countryside. He studies at a boys’ highschool and prepares for his exams to enter university. He soon joins a ...
A jailed businessman promises the district attorney who sent him to jail for fraud to lead him to the terrorist organization that had murdered the previous D.A.. In return, he asks that his case be re...
A partisan fighter saves 70 villagers from the firing squad during the German occupation. When he falls into a gorge trying to escape his pursuers, the villagers consider him dead and erect a statue i...
A photographer (Giota Festa) tries to raise her five-year-old daughter on her own, when a young man (Dimitris Alexandris) comes into her life, and romance grows between them. A friend of hers urges he...
On a sunny morning, a traveling troupe arrives in a Russian town. Head of the troupe is an elderly man, director Mesmer. A young worker, Nikita, is fascinated by the show, as well as by the charm and ...