A girl (Antigoni Valakou) without family commits petty thefts in order to support her grandmother. One day, she meets an officer of the Air Force (Alekos Alexandrakis), who decides to take care of the...
A working-class neighborhood in Piraeus is the setting for the story of a hard-working young man (Giorgos Fountas) who finds himself entangled in illegal dealings with a fraudster (Stefanos Stratigos)...
This is a film adaptation of the play written by Georgios Roussos: The Lover is Coming. Potis Antonopoulos has a soap business that leaves him no time to take care of Lela, his wife. She follows the ...
Mary (Aliki Vougiouklaki) is a poor but very pretty girl, also known as “the punching-bag” as she has no one to help or support her. She can’t seem to stay in any single job for very long becaus...
One of the two hurdy-gurdy grinders from the film "Hurdy-gurdy, poverty and pride" (1955), Pavlaras (Vasilis Avlonitis) is sick. Petrakis (Mimis Fotopoulos) is forced to sell the hurdy-gurdy to help h...
An officer in the Greek army (Alekos Alexandrakis) goes to Crete immediately after the Germans have occupied it. In cooperation with partisans and ally saboteurs he takes part in a sabotage against th...
A former bank cashier (Dimitris Horn) tells his jailor (Vasilis Avlonitis) how he embezzled a huge amount of money and ended up in jail. He talks about his relationship with a charming woman (Yvonne S...
Petrakis and Pavlaras (Vasilis Avlononitis and Mimis Fotopoulos) are two organ-grinders who see that their job cannot support them any longer in Athens and decide to go to the countryside. One day, wh...