The regimental band plays a tune led by its conductor. Various troopers and civilians watch the sports. A jumping contest - some of the officers wear 'No 1 Blues' uniform and others are in mufti. An o...
Very brief scene of Lord Roberts and his staff boarding SS Dunnottar Castle at Southampton docks for the trip to South Africa, 23rd December 1899.
The men are drawn up on parade for inspection. The Prince of Wales and inspecting officers move round them quickly, mainly backs to the camera.
Men of the City Imperial Volunteers (CIV) being ins...
Franz Josef walks with the mayor among the cheering crowds. His entourage, including Adjutant Lobkovitz, follows at a respectful distance. The Emperor walks past an exhibition of various cultures, hal...
The vehicles come down a straight road. They include trailers holding the stripped fuselages of aircraft, and what appears to be a photographic developing van.
Newsreel item of the transport vehi...
The troops are in rear-area camps and camouflaged trenches well below the snow-line. Josef, with his staff, walks around the area, completely informally, talking to the occasional soldier. He watches ...
Two aircraft, described as "hydroaeroplanes", are on the water. The first, a monoplane, looks like an adaptation of the Morane-Saulnier H Type, the second a variant on the Farman M Type design. The mo...
I. An officer shows the correct methods of mounting a horse, sitting at attention and at ease, trotting, the extended trot, leading off alternate legs and a dressage test. Following this, other riders...
The battle of Zborov: Three soldiers in the trench, Tomeš in the middle.
The battle of Zborov: A soldier gives to smell a rotten can to his sleeping friend.
The battle of Zborov: Several soldiers in the trench with stuffy noses. One of them holds a rotten can.
The battle of Zborov: Several soldiers sit in the trench.
The batttle of Zborov: A board with the slogan in Austrian trenches - "Wer diese Stellungen erstürmt vernichtet Österreich."/ "A conqueror of this position will defeat Austria".
The battle of Zborov: Several soldiers hidden in the trench.
An office with two sitting Russian generals (on the left Rudolf Medek - author of the synopsis). Tomeš registers himself as a volunteer.
A documentary part: First days of the independent Czechoslovak Republic - František Udržal speaks to the gathering of people in front of the monument of Jan Hus.
Plukovník Švec [manuscript] : bakalářská práce / David Švec. -- [Brno] : Masarykova univerzita, 2002. -- 50 [6] p. -- PC print, introduction, conclusion, photocopies of testimonials from print...
Skizzen aus dem Kriegshofquartier / von Maler Ludwig Koch. -- Wien : Verlag von L. W. Seidel, [1914]. -- [46] l. : ill. Set of studies and sketches by Austrian painter Ludwig Koch, which created durin...
Unser Programm 1915/1916 : eine Vorschau von Novitäten für die neue Saison / herausgegeben von der Allgem. Kinematographen und Films-Gesellschaft Phillipp & Pressburger. -- Budapest ; Lemberg : Allg...
President Masaryk : k jubileu sedmdesátých narozenin. -- v Praze : Tiskový odbor předsednictva ministerské rady, 1920. -- x p., 57 l. : ill. The picture book, published on the 70th anniversary o...