Melodrama about love and deceit. The scheming and dissolute Dénis de Kerouan wants to wreak misery on his brother Robert. While Robert is out of the country, Dénis hires a forger to fabricate a lett...
Newsreel item on the commemoration of the First World War.
Manifestazione di stampo nazional-patriottico a Ponte Chiasso nella ricorrenza dell'entrata dell'Italia in guerra. Alla presenza di Augusto Turati, dell'invalido di guerra Antonio Cadringher e del seg...
Based on Pedro Calderón de la Barca's play.
IWW Romania. German air base in Dobrudja. Biplanes take off. Views of the city and harbour of Constanza affected by bombings. Romanian prisoners. Civil population's exodus. Constanza's casino. Damage...
Two satiric cartoons.
This short film advertises the eighth or ninth German war bond. Under the pressure of the financial shortage in the late phase of the First World War, Viktoria, the crowning figure of the Berlin Victo...
The documentary shows different aspects of training police dogs. The animals learn commands and perform various exercises, including hurdle jumps, which are shown in slow motion. The second half of th...
From the left: Tomeš (Russian uniform), Bárta (French uniform) and Janda (Italian uniform).
American soldiers sent to France march with the American flags in the streets of Paris.
Mobilization in Germany. German soldiers wave from the windows of the train before leaving for the front.
Czechoslovak volunteers on a small station in Siberia.
Czechoslovak volunteers relax - a run competition.
Technical troops maintained in good repair railway tracks - covering the underside of rails.
A monument with a stone lion - a symbol of Czech statehood- on the grave of fallen volunteers.
Welcome of the President T.G. Masaryk after his arrival in the country. On the monument of Jan Hus is a banner with the slogan "People of Jan Hus".
Passt das Kino in den Ernst der Zeit ?, Der Kinematograph, 468, (1915), S. 20-21. Die Kritik am Kino sei völlig unangebracht, da das Kino generell mit anderen Maßstäben gemessen werde als andere Un...
O. Verf.. "Das Kinoplakat." Bild & Film. Zeitschrift für Lichtbilderei und Kinematographie III, 3/4 (1913/1914): 70. Meldung über die zunehmende Hebung des Niveaus von Kinoplakaten. Statt auf grelle...
L. B., Berliner Filmneuheiten, Der Kinematograph, 686, (1920), S. 21-22. "Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari" wird als bahnbrechendes Werk beschrieben, dass beweise, wozu die Filmkunst imstande sei. "Der Re...
Neuheiten auf dem Berliner Filmmarkte, Der Kinematograph, 416, (1914), S. 19-20. Rezension der Kinoneuerscheinungen. Die Zahl der rezensierten Unterhaltungsfilme (in denen Soldaten zwar dargestellt we...
O. Verf.. „Das Programm in Kriegszeiten.“ Der Kinematograph 405 (1914): 8. Obwohl viele Kinos geschlossen hätten, würden die Besucherzahlen in den Kinos immer weiter zunehmen. Dies sei insbesond...
Rosenthal, Alfred. „Kinovorstellungen in Vereinen.“ Bild & Film. Zeitschrift für Lichtbilderei und Kinematographie III,8 (1913/1914): 198-200. Ratgeber mit Vorschlägen, wie Filmvorführungen in ...