Some scenes of the first William Tell open-air in Interlaken.
Il Guglielmo Tell. 'Cova l'insofferenza contro l'oppressione austriacante.. insonne è .. la fiera virtù dei patrioti come Guglielmo Tell'.
1 - contadini in un paesino di montagna
2 - Tell ...
Legend of William Tell, and the struggle between the Swiss Cantons and the Austr ian overlords in the 14th century. (BFI)
Tonbild zum Finale von Rossinis Oper "Wilhelm Tell" (1829), 4. Akt "Die Sonne strahlt nach Sturmesnacht". Für die Kamera als sehr statisches Tableau umgesetzt, mit einem gemalten Hintergrund, der Fel...
A seaman (Giorgos Kampanellis) falls in love with the daughter (Marianna Kourakou) of the shipowner (Giannis Argyris) he works for. The shipowner refuses to allow the two to marry until a tempest prov...
1 - soldato inglese perquisisce egiziani in fila
2 - soldati inglesi effettuano il rastrellamento del villaggio di El Hammada
3 - donne egiziane con il volto coperto sedute contro un muro
A documentary featuring the history and evolution of the musical genre that was born in Smyrna and Constantinople and was then taken across the Aegean to Greece after 1922. Testimonies of Greek, Turki...
Axel Stein
Ellenie Salvo González
Axel Stein, Ellenie Salvo González
Szene mit Christian Tramitz (links), Axel Stein (3.v.l.)
Mike Müller, Ellenie Salvo González, Axel Stein (v.l.n.r.)
Michael Kessler, Erich Vock, Max Rüdlinger, Albert Tanner (v.l.n.r.)
Udo Kier
Mike Müller, Lea Hadorn
The film was permitted to young people under 16 years.